Hi 👋 I'm Leon Denise. I'm using video games tools to explore and experiment digital playgrounds, my work is about image filters, glitch effects, fractal shapes, particles systems behaviours and mathematical sculptures. I'm a freelancer shader coder and technical artist, working mostly with creative studios on VR standalone headsets and with artists to make interactive installations, playful devices, immersive projections and new media movies.

I participate in the organization of the Cookie Collective which gathers digital artists involved in real-time creation. This covers video games, art installations, video mapping, demoscene and live coding. We collaborate with festivals and institutions to promote live coding audio visual performances and playful alternative installations.

Inspired by Shader Showdown from demoparty Revision and live coders like Jan Scheurer and Aurelien Prunier, I've started live coding shaders with members of the Cookie Collective, Jonathan Giroux, Florine Fouquart, NuSan and many other. Recently I've been partipating mostly in algoraves with musician as live coding VJ with azertype, afalfl, julescipher, z0rg, vjblind, ralt144mi, bubobubo.

I'm part of an artist duo with Dorian Rigal: Neon Minuit. We capture pieces of reality to stage them in our playground: the virtual world. Our artistic approach is inspired by scientific experimentation and serendipity. Our work is about immersive interactive digital art and representation of volumetric content data.

I'm also working with Emilie Breslavetz on playful installations. Together we build alternative controllers and experimental games.

You can contact me at contact@neondelice.xyz

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